What is the addictive behavior?

An addictive behavior is a behavior, or a stimulus related to a behavior (e.g., sex or food), that is both rewarding and reinforcing, and is associated with the development of an addiction. Some of the most common types of behavioral addictions are:

·         Sex.

·         Gambling.

·         Internet.

·         Shopping.

·         Video games.

·         Plasticsurgery.

·         Binge eating/food addiction.

·         Thrill-seeking activities.

Addictive behavior is defined by compulsive drug use despite negative physical and social consequences and the craving for effects other than pain relief. The addiction components model operationally defines addictive activity as any behavior that features what I believe are the six core components of addiction (i.e., salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, conflict, and relapse).


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